After twenty years of treating osteoporosis, I believe that it is a completely preventable lifestyle disease.
— Mark Hyman, MD
Author of UltraMetabolism and medical director of the UltraWellness Center
(Lenox, Massachusetts) in his foreword to The Whole-Food Guide to Strong Bones
The FDA approved the drugs . . . based on studies showing that they increased bone mineral density. However, no studies have definitely shown that higher density actually reduces bone fractures.
— Matthew Perone, AP Health Writer
Keeping bones strong involves eating a clean, whole foods diet, promoting an alkaline body environment, supporting digestion, taking supplements as necessary, staying active, and decreasing stress.
— Kathleen Bundy, MS RD CLT
Weight-bearing exercise does not mean using weights or resistance training, but carrying your body weight in a weight-bearing fashion. You want to build bone density? Get your hips over your ankles and your torso over your hips. And then walk around a lot. Walking in alignment is the most natural osteogenic (bone-building) thing you can do!
— Katy Bowman, MS
Activities that involve impacts with the earth, such as running and jumping, are the most effective way to improve bone health.
— Dr. John Tobias
Professor of Rheumatology at the University of Bristol
Dancing is the great antidote to the madness of mankind.
In your body you carry the dances that will save you.
Your body begins before you, and is the place of all the rituals that belong to you.
When you listen to your body through dance you also hear the bodies and dances of celebration which belong to your ancestors and your species.
The one who dances touches the other beyond the skin; dance touches their weight and smell, it defeats the tactile screens and it erases the borders between bodies and nations.
To each displaced person, refugee and exile from around the world, I say: you have a country that goes with you that nothing and no one can take away.
— Marianela Boán
Cuban Choreographer, from her 2018 Message for the Americas